Please select the Personal Information Request you would like The GolfWorks to fulfill. In completing the form below, use the contact information that you have provided during interactions with The GolfWorks.

If you are submitting a Personal Information Correction Request, please describe the correction you are requesting in the provided text field. Note that any change to an existing online account should be made by logging in to the account and making the change directly.

This submission form is only for The GolfWorks job applicants, employees, contractors, and business partners who are residents of California. If you are a GolfWorks customer and a resident of California, you can submit an access, deletion, or correction request here. GolfWorks customers can opt-out here.

Current employee
Former employee
Job applicant
Current individual contractor (i.e., paid by The GolfWorks)
Former individual contractor (i.e., paid by The GolfWorks)
Business-to-business contact (i.e., paid by a third party company)
Personal Information Access Request
Personal Information Deletion Request
Personal Information Correction Request
Opt-Out Request (do not sell or share my information, limit use of my sensitive information, and no cross-context behavioral ads)
Enter the first name of the data subject
Enter the last name of the data subject
Enter email for correspondence with the data request.